Our Growing World: Visualization and Project Process Documentation

Author: Ailene Johnston

Design Process


This project initially aimed to explore global renewable energy production. However, due to the complexity of cleaning and organizing related datasets, I shifted focus to world population data. Population numbers are straightforward, mathematically manageable, and globally available, making them an ideal subject to gain proficiency with D3.js. This dataset serves as a foundation for future analyses of renewable energy and emissions trends.

Initial Designs and Sketches

Early in the design process, I created numerous rough sketches to explore ideas and determine how best to visualize the data. These sketches helped shape the final designs by allowing me to experiment with layout, interactivity, and aesthetic choices. Below are two examples of these drafts:

These sketches served as a blueprint for the project and provided clarity as I transitioned to coding and refining the visualizations in D3.js.

Rationale for Design Choices

Visual Types

Color Palette

The choropleth initially used a grayscale gradient, but subtle changes were difficult to discern. Bins with more divergent colors were introduced to make changes more noticeable, especially during animation. The colors for these bins were chosen to not evoke positive or negative emotion, so I avoided colors like red or yellow that might signal alarm. The area chart retained a neutral palette for simplicity and focus on trends. The gray-blue rate line was chosen for visibility, neutrality, and coordination with the choropleth map.

Interactive Elements


The choropleth map's feature placement went through a long process of trial and error. Though I initially planned to have the lengend at the top right, I later found that to be a better placement to display the current year. Placing the legend at the bottom allowed it to still be immediately visible. I chose to anchor all of the map components so that they remain in the same place while the map is being manipulated- this way the user can't lose sight of what year they're in.

Insights and Findings

Initial Questions To Guide The Project

Key Observations


Despite declining growth rates, population numbers are rising at alarming rates. Managing these increases will require addressing resource demands and environmental impacts. The visualizations provide a foundation for further analysis into related issues, such as emissions and renewable energy needs.

Data Sources

The following datasets were used to gather the necessary information for the visualizations:

Walk-Through Video

Explore the features and insights from the global population visualization through this interactive walk-through.

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